Kies een van deze opties als je kennis wilt maken of juist dieper gaande kennis wilt vergaren over het gebruik van CO2 extracten in de AromaTherapie c.q. AromaZorg:
-> CO2 Extractendag (1)
-> Driedaagse cursus CO2 extracten in de AromaTherapie – in eenvoudig Engels (2)
1. CO2 Extractendag
Kennismaking met CO2 extracten voor kruidkundigen /herboristen, natuurgeneeskundigen, aromatherapeuten en professionals in de zorg.
Vandaag gaan we kijken naar het bijzondere procedé van CO2 extractie. Met behulp van koolzuurgas worden vluchtige en niet vluchtige lipofiele werkzame bestanddelen uit plantenmateriaal gewonnen. Het is een relatief nieuwe ontwikkeling in de aroma/fytotherapie. CO2 extracten zijn puur en zuiver, stabiel, milieuvriendelijk geproduceerd en geheel vrij van ongewenste substanties. De geuren van CO2 extracten zijn vaak bijzonder rond, intens en compleet en de medicinale kwaliteit van een groot aantal extracten blijkt buitengewoon effectief dan wel veelbelovend. Over het algemeen zijn CO2 extracten rijker en meer intens, aangezien meer aromatische componenten worden opgelost.
Tijdens deze dag gaan we aan de slag met de overeenkomsten en verschillen met conventionele essentiële oliën, geniet je van de meest fantastisch plantengeuren. Deze kun je in de praktijk en in de zorg naadloos inpassen in de zorgverlening.
Je bereidt daarnaast je eigen product met gebruikmaking van CO2 extracten. Een veel omvattende, maar toch handzame cursusdag dus.
Data & lokaties:
- Zaterdag 11 jan 2020 Regio Oost Nederland (Zwolle – Deventer).
- 139 euro a.s. (btw vrijgesteld). Inbegrepen zijn btw, alle hoogwaardige materialen, naslagwerk en koffie/thee (boterhammetjes meebrengen).
- studenten van Herba Sanitas: via de schoolleiding.
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Deelname is op volgorde van binnenkomst van het volledig ingevulde formulier. Vol is vol.
Op alle cursussen, ook in company, conferenties en onze dienstverlening zijn onze algemene voorwaarden van toepassing.
Je vindt ze op
In het Engels (zeer toegankelijk, ongecompliceerd Engels):
2. Three day course CO2 extracts in (Clinical) Aromatherapy
- Are you an aromatherapist, herbalist or other professional in health care equipped with basic knowledge on Aromatherapy?
- Are you looking for specialist knowledge on Aromatherapy?
- Would you like to broaden your horizon and learn how you can integrate CO2 extracts in (clinical) Aromatherapy / AromaCare?
- Are you looking for the ideal combination of state of the art knowledge, discussing cases and gaining practical skills?
- Are you willing to give yourself and your clients / patients this gift of intensive studies that will contribute to your practise?
- If the answer to these questions is “yes”, come to this great course which is held a few times this year (Netherlands, Hong Kong).
This fascinating 3-day class offers you insights on the process of CO2 extracts and blending with them to enhance your care with these extra special extracts full of fragrance and potent molecules that often offer so much more therapeutic value.
Think of the wonderfully fragrant Sweet marjoram CO2-se extract that has intense relaxing properties in case of anxiety, stress and sorrow, or Ginger CO2-to extract that has proven to be the best option to treat nausea, and is studied as a great cox-2 enzyme inhibitor and pain reliever for muscles and joints. Other great examples are Turmeric, Cinnamon, Galangal, Sage and Rosemary with their enormous potency for use on all levels of wellbeing.
Day 1: – Basics on CO2 extraction & Skin- and Wound care
We start the day with a fascinating journey into the process of CO2 extraction. We will look at how it’s done, what specific differences there are between CO2 extraction and other extraction methods, and if and how this process changes the chemical make-up of the oil. Sometimes there are quite big differences, and sometimes they are small, but even small differences can have a great influence on how you would use a CO2 extract as opposed to conventional extraction methods.
The fragrance of a CO2 extract – the ones we would use as an essential oil – is especially positively influenced. They are complete, rounded and intense. Even if you don’t like the scent of the conventional essential oil – carrot seed is a good example – I promise you’ll like its CO2 extract.
Today we pay extra special attention to skin care with fixed oils, such as Borage and Evening Primrose for the sensitive skin and eczema, Rosehip CO2 for scars, and Rhatany, Pomegranate and Sea buckthorn for wound care (and mouth care). Of course we will build bridges to other essential oils and carrier oils as well. We address general skin care, but look deep into issues like eczema, the very sensitive skin, wounds and skin infections. You are invited to prepare your own blend in our student lab of course.
Day 2: – CO2’s for Emotional and Spiritual Wellbeing
You all know the profound influence fragrance has on emotional and spiritual well-being. Just a hint of smell can bring about memories and associations. Scents have a great impact on the way we feel. Especially CO2 extracts have fragrances that in most cases remind us of the plant itself. You will be stunned by the completeness of our Sage and Rosemary CO2’s, the deep and comforting fragrance of Sandalwood and Buddha Wood CO2’s, our extracts of Sweet Marjoram, Angelica, Frankincense and Juniper, and you’ll be amazed to smell the unique Lemon balm and Rose CO2’s. We’ll discuss these and other CO2’s in relation to anxiety and fear, depression, stress, sleeplessness and fatigue.
And… you can use them all to blend your favourite inhaler to take home with you.
Day 3: General treatment options with CO2 extracts
This last day will give you extensive tools to optimise your treatment using CO2 extracts as an extra added value to your blends for mouth care, digestive issues, (rheumatic) inflammations, airway infections and pains & aches. I will outline why choosing CO2’s over conventional oils in some cases can have such beneficial effect on your blends, but I will also be brutally honest if using CO2’s is not necessarily better and sometimes could better be avoided and why.
You will again have extensive opportunities to make your own customized blend to take home and try out. CO2’s are not always straightforward to use, but I’m sure you’ll like the challenge of working with them, once you have established how effective they can be in your treatment.
All in all this is a great opportunity for you to learn how to work with these special herbal extracts in AromaTherapy to benefit your patients to the max.
Locations, dates and fees:
The Netherlands, Wernhout, Kicozo: to be determined.
General information:
This course is open to aromatherapists or complementary therapists, as well as nurses or other health care professionals, provided you speak English and have basic aromatherapy knowledge and skills.
For more information please email me through